It's crucial for any medical man to keep fully abreast of all potential patients. The arrival of Keith with news of Samantha, Ash, Donna et al and the announcement of impending nuptials has flagged up again the fact that Ambridge is woefully under resourced for adequate medical cover. A campaign to secure a permanent GP in Ambridge is essential, but there remain doubts and fears in many medical professionals' minds as they remember what happened to the previous incumbent at the hands (amongst other things) of Shula. News travels fast and lingers long in such professional communities.
The propect of a wedding to test the taste and patience of the greatest wedding planners has fired the starting pistol for a broadcasters' bidding process for a new reality series, My Big Fat Horrobin Wedding. Alarm bells should be ringing for anyone connected with Chelsea whose singular ambition in life is to be a bridesmaid. And a bridesmaid to a Horrobin at that. What will the rest of her life hold? Answers on the back of a postage stamp (although at current rates and on current form the stamp will be of far greater value than Chelsea will ever bring to the table).
Keith is another unreliable witness to the Beast of Borsetshire. Clearly nobody took his sighting seriously as no one thought to ask whether what he saw was BIGGER THAN A SQUIRREL. Neil Carter has been quiet on this subject. We are still short on detail on the first punter in the Green Burial Ground. Might there be a connection?
But while the village is concerned with what may or may not be a cheetah, the fall out from the Borsetshire Cheater continues. Where there are losers there is always at least one winner. In this instance ChrisTHORpher is breathing much more easily, in every respect. All the while Jennifer was at Adam's bedside Alice was a veritable Borserthire Beast herself. Having Amy to stay has given ChrisTHORpher the opportunity to hang up his apron and take a well earned rest.
Usha - whose "should she, shouldn't she" kept us gripped for......seconds, if not minutes - is developing a Leveson-style defence as she tries to recall what she did or didn't think or do. Carl's alleged wife - hot shot lawyer Rochelle - need not worry too much about the professional competition in her back yard.
Towels have been much on Brian's mind since the Hot Tub incident but he would have been pleased to hear Hattie berating Ruth and Pat for throwing in their towels in the battle with BL. Hattie seems determined to fight on but she should take note that low loaders, beasts and tasselled loafers stalk them there woods.
Excuse the rush but I have a protest in London to join.....
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