Fifty Shades of Grey Gables
The Girl Who Likes To Say "Yah"
When Oliver Sterling married Caroline he knew he was taking on a woman with a past. Caroline has settled down now but she has enjoyed a very full life which she has chronicled in her candid memoir.
Here we publish an excerpt as it appears in an exclusive serialisation in The Echo [*Echo*].
"Chapter Seven
Home Farm Home Truths
As a descendant of the Netherbonkers I have a healthy libido and need a strong man to satisfy my needs. While I was waiting for one, I had a torrid affair with Brian Aldridge.
I always worried that Brian was only interested in my heritage. In whispered tones he would often ask me about my Netherregions. We had to find our pleasure where we could, forever seeking private places to hide. We had to try to avoid Jennifer so Brian was always trying to take me round the back.
I had to endure Brian's rather odd dress sense. He often got his tassels caught and many's the time I had to unravel his cravat.
For Brian business always came first. Well actually, if the truth be told, Brian always came first, but that's another story.
Brian is a kind man. Sorry.....Brian is a kinda man. When you've led the life I have you are used to a man with stamina and staying power. Brian always seemed exhausted by the time we met, and I realised why whenever I saw Jennifer with a smile on her face and a venison casserole in her hands.
Lambing time was always difficult. He promised me the sheep meant nothing to him but I saw him doing things with those animals he would never do with me."
In deference to our younger readers we draw a close to this excerpt here. If, however, you wish to comment upon this then please write to the editor of The Echo, add comments below, or write in complete confidence to @TonysConsultant.
Is it somewhat ironic that the advert on the blog is for "mature dating"?